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July 2010 Newsletter

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BP Oil Spill Contaminates Air in the Gulf Region

Most of the coverage of the disastrous BP oil spill has focused on the abominable damage done to the Gulf of Mexico and its inhabitants. Unfortunately, plenty of problems reside above sea level as well.  Copious amounts of methane gas are being released into the atmosphere along with the steady stream of oil.

On June 28, 2010, the LA Times reported that a team of UCI researchers found concentrations of toxic chemicals that can irritate or burn skin and eyes or cause dizziness. Those recruited to help clean up the Gulf, including local fisherman, are suffering from severe headaches, dizziness, nausea and respiratory problems, according to this article published in the LA Times back in May.

In an effort to decrease the amount of oil washing up on the shores, the federal government has authorized BP  to burn millions of gallons of surface oil, which only further contaminates the air in the form of sulfur dioxide, carbon monoxide and other toxins. The EPA has installed monitoring stations across the Gulf Coast region, and while air pollution has not exceeded government safety limits, concentrations are higher than in heavily polluted urban areas such as Los Angeles and Mexico City.


Dwell OnDesignOne of the most memorable events for us this year was Dwell magazine's Dwell on Design event this past June. The Rabbit Air team hosted a table at the popular LA Convention Center, where we had a chance to show off our new Artists Series and demonstrate our air purifiers for a very supportive live audience. It was a good chance to explain our products to those with similar values and concerns – many of the people we connected with at the event were concerned about their health and the quality of the air in their homes, but also wanted a solution that wouldn't interfere with their home décor. All we know is, we felt at home with Dwell readers and we hope to see more of our loyal customers at next year's event.


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