Our New Filter Replacement Program
A friendly reminder
Here at Rabbit Air, we know that many of our customers maintain very busy schedules and don't need one more deadline in their lives to keep track of. We at Rabbit Air are excited to announce our new Automatic Filter Replacement Program.
Upon purchase of your next MinusA2 Filter Replacement Kit, you will have the option to sign up for the replacement program, which means you can request a new set of filters to be automatically shipped to your house and charged to your account every 8, 10 or 12 months. Just in case you've changed your mind, a reminder e-mail will arrive two weeks before the kit is set to ship out. Of course, shipping is free, and so is your memory.

Back to School with Rabbit Air
Avoiding school absences
Although you have little control over the environment in your child's classroom, here are a few hints about how to prepare your child to head back to school during allergy season.
1. Go to the doctor before the sneezing starts. Make an appointment with your child's doctor or allergist to make sure symptoms are under control.
2. Know your child's triggers. Educate your children about ways to avoid contact with allergens and how to detect the first symptoms of exposure to help prevent outbreaks.
3. Inform your child's school about his/her allergies. Food allergies, dust mite allergies, and pollen allergies are likely to be triggered in the classroom and outside during recess. If school staff is aware of your child's sensitivities, they can help limit exposure and look out for symptoms.
4. Know your child's school. Take a walk around the campus with your child and point out possible allergy triggers, certain trees, flowers, dusty grounds that might encourage outbreaks.
Click here to see this friendly game from The American Academy of Allergy Asthma and Immunology to help your kids identify possible triggers.
Rabbit Air is always interested in hearing your feedback, please send your comments to feedback@rabbitair.com.
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