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July 2007 Newsletter


Our Latest Brainchild, The RabbitAir MinusA2

The MinusA2™ Ultra-Quiet air purifier is the latest addition to the RabbitAir® family of Air Purifiers. It boasts a 6 stage filtration system to capture and reduce many allergens, odors and germs. Exclusive to the MinusA2™ is its customized filter option. One filter stage specially engineered for your particular living environment. You choose from Baby, Pet Lover or New House filter.

  • Baby Filter - Kills allergy germs and viruses, including the influenza virus. This germicidal filter is particularly important for a baby's developing immune system.
  • Pet Lover - Enjoy your pets without the intense allergic reaction from pet dander. This filter traps and reduces pet dander on contact.
  • New House - Reduce off-gassing and toxic fumes from new paint, carpet and furniture.

It gets even better. The MinusA2™ is the only air purifier in the world to feature a built-in mood light. Not only is this mood light aesthetically pleasing to you and your guests, but this unique feature helps induce calmness and relaxation. You can choose to either Wall-Mount or leave as a stand alone unit...the choice is up to you.

Rabbit Air customers keep coming back because of the value we provide in our products. Here are some things that come standard with your MinusA2™ - Ultra-Quiet operation, Wireless Remote, Energy Star® Certification, Lifetime Technical Support, 5 year warranty and Free Shipping.

Maintanence Tips: How to Clean Your Air Quality Sensors

Cleaning your air quality sensors is an important part of keeping your BioGS™ running at optimum. Over time the sensors will begin to accumulate particles which will interfere with its ability to detect odors and particulates. Follow these simple steps every second filter cleaning, (or 2 months) whichever comes first.

To clean the Odor Sensor, follow these two easy steps.
Step 1. Remove the front panel.

Step 2. Use a cotton swab to remove any particles from the 3 grooves. You can also place a vacuum hose directly over the sensor for 10 seconds.

Your odor sensor is now cleaned.


To clean the Particle Sensor, follow these steps.
Step 1. Remove the front panel

Step 2. Carefully pull out the spongy material and sink wash. Dry with a napkin or a paper towel.

Step 3. Use a cotton swab to wipe the particles from the sensor.

Step 4. Insert spongy material back in place.

Your particle sensor is now clean.

Article: Tobacco Smoke
Most people know about the dangers of cigarette smoking, thanks in large part to increased efforts to educate the public. Smoking is estimated to be the single largest cause of preventable deaths in the United States. What many people are less aware of though, is that tobacco can pose risks to your health even if you are not the one doing the smoking.

Environmental tobacco smoke or ETS, refers to the smoke that is released in the air when a smoker exhales, combined with the smoke released from a burning cigarette, cigar or pipe. In 1993, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency issued a report that outlined the dangers of ETS or "passive smoking". It found that ETS causes about 3,000 deaths from lung cancer each year in the United States. It also stated that passive smoking is an important cause of respiratory illness.

Children who live with a smoker are especially at risk for health problems. Their growing lungs are at increased risk for illnesses such as bronchitis, pneumonia, tracheitis (inflammation of the upper airway) and asthma. And infants exposed to ETS are more likely to develop otitis media (middle ear infection).

What's in Tobacco Smoke?
Second hand smoke is the combination of the smoke given off by a burning cigarette, pipe or cigar and the smoke exhaled as a person smokes. The tobacco is treated with chemicals so that it will keep burning even when it is not being smoked.

Secondhand smoke contains up to 4,000 chemicals, including trace amounts of poisons like formaldehyde, arsenic, DDT and cyanide. More than 40 of the substances in ETS are know to cause cancer. Many more cause irritation of the lungs and airways. Secondhand smoke has been classified by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency as a Group A carcinogen (cancer causing agent.) Group A carcinogens are the most harmful.

How is ETS Linked to Allergies and Asthma in Children?
Children are at special risk of lung damage and illness from inhaled smoke. Studies have shown a clear link between ETS and asthma in young people. Passive smoking worsens asthma in teens and may cause up to 26,000 new cases of asthma each year. It is also linked to hundreds of thousands of infections of the lower respiratory tract (the lungs and lower airways) in infants under 18 months. These infections in turn lead to thousands of hospitalizations of children each year. The incidence of sudden infant death syndrome quadruples if either mother or both parents are smokers.

Children exposed to ETS are more likely to have reduced lung function and symptoms of respiratory irritation, such as coughing, wheezing and excess phlegm (fluid in the lungs and airways). Children with allergies and nasal congestion who are also exposed to tobacco smoke are up to six times more likely than others to have persistent middle ear infections requiring the surgical insertion of tubes.

Smoke and Minors
Exposure to ETS is responsible for increased frequency of asthma episodes in adolescents. There is also evidence which suggests that adolescents exposed to ETS may have decreased pulmonary function tests, higher cholesterol levels and may increase their risks of heart disease as adults.

Surveys show a disturbing trend of smoking among young people. The most recent data shows that more than a third of high school students (grades 9-12) report that they currently smoke. The rate is highest among high school seniors. In addition, about one-tenth of high school students report that they use smokeless (chewing) tobacco.

Tobacco advertising that seems to be aimed at young people is troubling. Many communities and local governments are increasing their efforts to control such marketing practices and the topic has received a good deal of attention in the media in recent years. In some states, parental smoking is an important issue in deciding questions of custody in divorce cases.

How to Reduce Secondhand Smoke Exposure?
As a parent, you can limit your children's exposure to secondhand smoke. As in most things, the first and most important steps begin at home _ by quitting smoking yourself, if your are a smoker. You can also set down a policy of having a smoke-free home by asking guests not to light up in your house.

Quitting is seldom easy, but it is possible. Smoking-cessation programs, counseling and methods such as nicotine gum or patches have helped many people give up tobacco for good. Your doctor should be able to steer you toward to help you on the road to kicking the habit and addiction. Until you quit, do not smoke within the airspace of your child, not in your home or in your car.

Choose childcare carefully so that your children will not suffer from the harmful effects of ETS.

Remember: Children exposed to secondhand smoke are at risk of illness. Protecting them from exposure is good preventive medicine. Your child's health depends on it.

Source: Asthma and Allergy Foundation of America (AAFA)

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