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October 2007 Newsletter


Rabbit Air Supports Breast Cancer Research

Los Angeles - September 20, 2007 - Rabbit Air has introduced a special edition air purifier that supports The Breast Cancer Research Foundation (BCRF).

The BCRF Special Edition air purifier is a symbol of the company's dedication to health and its concern for the pressing need to find a cure for breast cancer. "We support BCRF, an organization which shares a similar philosophy on health," said Karrie Chan, CEO of Rabbit Air. "We feel it is important to team up with other health conscious organizations to ensure that crucial issues, such as finding a cure for breast cancer, are given the attention they deserve."

BCRF is a nonprofit organization committed to finding a cure for breast cancer. A minimum of 85% of all funds raised goes to research grants and awareness programs. Since its inception, BCRF has raised over $180 million for breast cancer research.

Rabbit Air will donate 12% of sales from the BCRF Special Edition air purifier to the Foundation, which focuses on funding clinical and genetic research worldwide. The purifier comes in pearl white and includes the pink breast cancer ribbon on the front. "We are truly thankful for Rabbit Air's commitment to BCRF," said Myra Biblowit, BCRF President. "Maintaining strong partnerships with socially responsible organizations allows us to continue to raise funds for breast cancer research and awareness in hopes of eradicating this disease within our lifetime."

How to adjust MinusA2 Sensitivity Level

Follow these instructions to change the sensitivity level of your MinusA2
  • Step 1. Press and hold the speed and mode button at the same time for 3 seconds.
  • Step 2. When you see the light blinking, press the speed button to change the sensitivity level.

    The following 3 modes indicate the level of sensitivity, choose the one you like the most.

    Rhythm - Low sensitivity level
    Child - Standard (default) sensitivity level
    Auto - High sensitivity level

  • Step 3. After selecting the desired sensitivity level, allow 10 seconds to pass and it will set for you automatically.

NEWS ALERT !! : California Bans Ozone Producing Purifiers

Los Angeles-September 28th, 2007-On Friday, the L.A. Times released an article regarding the California Air Resources Board's ban on in-home air purifiers which produce ozone as a means of purification. Ozone emitting air purifiers tend to exacerbate asthma and allergies, the very problems they claim to relieve.

Peggy Jenkins, head of the California Air Resources Board's indoor air division, recognized HEPA filtration systems as the top method of air purification: “There are safe and effective air purifiers,” Jenkins said. “The cheapest, and usually the most effective, are so-called HEPA devices also commonly used in hospitals.”

Rabbit Air supports Jenkins' statement that HEPA air purifiers are the most efficient and practical alternative to ozone producing air purifiers. “Here at Rabbit Air, we have always been opponents of ozone air purifiers as unhealthy products that do more harm than good,” said Karrie Chan, Rabbit Air CEO. “There are much safer, more effective methods of air purification and there is no reason to go the ozone route."

Click here to read more about the article
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