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August 2012 Newsletter


With the Olympics to keep us all entertained, August was a month of heated competition and a reminder of the benefits of health and fitness. Rabbit Air knows what it feels like to be a champ in our field and we're so proud of all of the U.S. Olympic athletes who competed and those who won medals. At Rabbit Air, we value great effort as much as triumph.

Professional athletes are in tune with air quality more than most people, since polluted air can interfere with their performances. Ozone, sulfur dioxide, nitric oxide and other pollutants can inflame the airways, particularly of sensitive people, and even cause asthma attacks. British scientists predicted that poor air quality could present challenges for Olympic athletes trying to break world records with pollution at its highest since 2006.

According to the American Academy of Allergy, Asthma and Immunology (AAAAI), "It has been well documented that elite athletes in the Olympics have an increased prevalence of Exercise-Induced Bronchoconstriction (EIB). They may not have suspected it, since they don't have chronic asthma but rather a narrowing of the airways that comes specifically with exercise."

Air quality is an issue for everyone. Keeping your lungs happy and healthy will improve your performance, whether you're an Olympic swimmer, a teacher, construction worker, mother, or baby.



As September approaches, it's a good time to check if your filters are clean and ready for the busy fall season. As a friendly reminder, and for optimal air cleaning efficiency, we recommend vacuuming your filters regularly to avoid dirt and dust build up. For more information on filter maintenance, see our website:

Keeping your filters clean will not only benefit you, it will also keep your air purifier running in prime condition.


Olympic Rings Blue, Yellow, Black, Green, and Red respectively are the colors of the rings. They were chosen because at least one of these colors is found on the flag of every nation.


As all of you loyal newsletter readers know, each month our Customer Care Team will nominate a top customer. This month we have selected Barbara from Seattle, Washington. See our Facebook page for current and previous customers of the month.


Rabbit Air is always interested in hearing your feedback. Please send any comments to Click here to join the Rabbit Air community on Facebook for the latest news and updates!
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Coming soon: The Peanuts Edition MinusA2 Air Purifier!

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