Happy fall, Rabbit Air customers! We hope you all had a chance to enjoy the summer, whether you were lucky enough to take a vacation or made time to relish the weather and spend time with family and friends. Now, back to school!
Rabbit Air Loves the Cal Women's Club Lacrosse Team!
In Rabbit Air news, we are now the proud sponsor of the Cal Women's Club Lacrosse team!
A few members are pictured here with our University Edition MinusA2.
As many of you are already aware, education is incredibly important to those of us at Rabbit Air and we are constantly thinking of new ways to support our community. Our University Edition MinusA2 serves as a great bridge between us and local universities.
It's September: Are Your MinusA2 Filters Clean?
The fall is a great time to tend to your air purifier filters. For those of you who could use a filter-changing tutorial, don't forget we have this useful step-by-step video on our website.
Rabbit Air Is a Family Affair
It's no surprise that families make up a majority of Rabbit Air's customers. We are particularly popular with moms and find great pleasure in discovering reviews of our products on parenting and kid-products blogs. At Mommy Ramblings, Carolyn offers a mom's perspective on the MinusA2; in this post on The Cloth Diaper Report, a mom recalls how a Rabbit Air air purifier relieved her sensitivity and sinus issues during pregnancy; on this blog, a working mom expresses her great affection for Rabbit Air, which has become a family staple since it proved to alleviate her husband's terrible allergies; you'll find a comprehensive consumer review of the MinusA2 at The Review Stew; a review on Mommy's Memorandum gives props to the MinusA2 for its allergy-symptom control; and Thrifty Nifty Mommy tells the story of a nesting mom setting up a MinusA2 in preparation for her new baby. Let us know if you've found any other useful Rabbit Air reviews on the web. We love to hear from our customers!
Customer of the Month
As all of you loyal newsletter readers know, each month our Customer Care Team will nominate a top customer. This month we have selected Virginia from West Springfield, MA. See our Facebook page for current and previous customers of the month.
Rabbit Air is always interested in hearing your feedback. Please send any comments to feedback@rabbitair.com. Click here to join the Rabbit Air community on Facebook for the latest news and updates!