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December 2011 Newsletter

Dear Rabbit Air friends,

It has been a fantastic year for us all at Rabbit Air and we're very much looking forward to the holidays, a time to reflect on the triumphs and lessons of 2011 and set our sights on new goals for next year. We've had our share of changes this year and all for the better. We hope you will get some quality time off from work to relax with friends and family and enjoy this last bit of the Year of the Rabbit.

Hidden Holiday Allergens

Yes, it's true, the Christmas tree counts. It is surprisingly easy for some of us to forget that the elegant, sweet smelling evergreen might be pollinating in winter—look for a yellowish coating on the trunk and needles. Wipe down the trunk with a solution of water and bleach and use a leaf blower (outside) to minimize pollen.

While artificial trees can be a safe substitute for those with pollen sensitivities, fake snow and sprayed-on scents can aggravate allergy and asthma symptoms. Be sure you know what you're buying when you pick out a tree, whether it’s fresh or not. And for those with evergreens, running your Rabbit Air in the same room as the Christmas tree will help keep the pollen away.

Our friends at the Allergy and Asthma Foundation of America (AAFA) have put together a useful guide to keeping healthy during the holidays. There's mold hiding in more places than most of us care to realize and the AAFA has some very useful tips about ways to reduce allergens and avoid asthma and allergy outbreaks. Check out their story here.

Customer of the Month

As you’ve probably noticed by now, each month, our Customer Care Team nominates a few customers who have displayed extreme loyalty to our company. Gregg from Arizona is our Customer of the Month for December! Gregg is a proud Rabbit Air customer and he tells everyone he knows about our products and service. He is also known for purchasing air purifiers as gifts for his friends. What a guy. He is much appreciated by our Rabbit Air Team!

The Year of the Rabbit

Rabbit Air experienced a superb 2011! We want to express a great deal of gratitude to our constituents. Below are some Rabbit Air highlights from 2011.

As most of you heard, we opened a new office in Pasadena, California, which has provided more space for Rabbit Air's team of thinkers (not to mention new lunch options too!). The expansion is exciting for all of us and we don't mind working in the city of roses, either.

In other 2011 news, we introduced that irresistible Paul Frank air purifier which scored a feature in the Wall Street Journal. We also added a new Artist Series known as Carnival, along with our trusted AAFA air purifier.

Last but not least, we started selling our air purifiers through

Did You Say Free??

For Facebook Logo those of you on Facebook, we're currently offering a special promotion. Let's just say the words "free shipping" and "filters" are involved. We love our friends and like to spoil you once in awhile. Check it out! We know it makes you want to click that little thumbs-up icon.


Rabbit Air is always interested in hearing your feedback. Please send any comments to Click here to join the Rabbit Air community on Facebook for the latest news and updates!
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