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Who Does Indoor Air Quality Affect the Most?

The quality of outdoor air gets a lot of attention, especially in the media. Individuals and organizations are constantly on a quest to improve air quality and hopefully alleviate many health issues as a result. Although it is important to improve the quality of outdoor air, it is just as important to make sure your indoor air is as healthy as possible by using air purifiers and practicing clean habits. If you think about it, your home is supposed to be a place of refuge and safety from the world, but if your indoor air quality is bad it could cause even more significant damage to your health than outdoor air.

Factors that Affect the Indoor Air Quality
There are many different factors that affect indoor air quality, including cleanliness, environmental factors, pet dander, inadequate venting, presence of mold and other airborne contaminants, and habits of occupants (such as smoking). Some homes have relatively clean indoor air, while others may be full of pollutants that can negatively affect the health of the occupants. Although poor-quality indoor air is unhealthy for everyone, there are some individuals who are much more susceptible to polluted indoor air, including:

  • Individuals with asthma
  • Children
  • Elderly individuals
  • Pregnant women
  • People with cardiovascular disease
  • Smokers
  • Those with compromised immune systems due to sickness, lifestyle, or nutrition deficiencies

Here is a brief explanation of why the first three groups of people on this list are particularly vulnerable to pollutants in the air.

Individuals With Asthma
People who suffer from asthma are more vulnerable to air-borne pollutants because their lungs are already compromised in their ability to function properly in the best conditions. Asthma is a chronic lung disease that causes the airways to become inflamed and narrowed. This leads to mild, moderate, or severe difficulty with breathing. Unfortunately, it is not uncommon for people with the most severe forms of asthma to die from lack of oxygen during an asthma attack. If indoor air is filled with pollutants, it can cause further irritation to the lungs and may trigger an asthma attack or worsen the symptoms.

If anyone in your family has asthma, it is very important to keep the air as clean as possible. Air purifiers can help significantly in making the air in your home more pure and safe for asthmatics to breathe. 

MinusA2 air purifier

Children are frequently more sensitive to many different environmental toxins than adults. Some air pollutants may cause children’s lungs to develop improperly, depending on the age of the child and their unique health conditions. Specific pollutants to worry about include tobacco smoke, lead, nitrogen dioxide, ozone, pesticides, and particulate matter. Air purifiers should be placed directly in the bedrooms of children who have asthma, immune system deficiencies, bronchitis, allergies, or any other illness or condition that makes them especially susceptible to air pollution.

Elderly Individuals
People who are age 65 and older are often more vulnerable to a wide variety of illnesses and diseases because their aged bodies do not work as effectively as younger bodies. As the body declines, it is less effective at eliminating chemicals and impurities, which makes older individuals particularly vulnerable to harmful pollutants in indoor air. Older individuals may have a more difficult time recognizing when indoor air is harmful, because they are less likely to experience common effects to irritation from air-borne irritants, including runny noses and itchy eyes.

If your grandparents are living with you, or if you are an older individual yourself, it is advised that you set up at least one air purifier in your home. An air purifier removes impurities and particles from the air and causes them to become trapped in its filter. If you suspect that your indoor air is not as clean as it could be, you should invest in an air purifier as soon as possible.

Let us help you select the perfect air purifier for your needs. Our knowledgeable, friendly and honest customer service representatives are available to you 24 hours a day. Just contact us or call 888.866.8862.

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