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December 2014 Newsletter

Star Light, Star Bright...Star Julius!

MinusA2 Paul Frank Edition Air Purifier (Star Julius) Just in time for the holidays, we are happy to debut the newest addition to our Paul Frank collection. This bright and colorful MinusA2 is a perfect gift for anyone who wants to breathe better while making a fun, bold style statement.

Improve Your Sleep Health

Did you know that many Americans don’t get enough sleep? If you are like 48% of us, you know that fact all too well. Lack of sleep can contribute to more than just drowsiness during the day; it affects many parts of our overall health, from stress to heart disease. Make the most of these long winter nights by creating a new sleep hygiene routine to improve your sleep health.

Doctors recommend getting between 7-9 hours of sleep, but there is more that you can do than just getting a couple extra hours of shut eye. Good sleep hygiene can include steps, like turning off electronics an hour before you get into bed, steering clear of the bedroom during the day, and more. Want to know more? Read up on sleep health and hygiene on theRabbit Air blog!

Happy and Healthy Holidays

The holidays are a time when we can show our appreciation and love to our friends, family, and even our animal companions - furred, feathered, or finned. Unfortunately, winter is also a prime time for colds, the flu, and allergic reactions to the mold that thrives during these damp months. Protect your loved ones this holiday season by taking precautions to limit these issues. Help to stem the spread of germs and bacteria by washing your hands frequently, disinfecting surfaces, and covering your mouth if you need to cough or sneeze. You can keep allergies under control by vacuuming carpets and upholstery frequently, and if your home has a Christmas tree, you can help keep mold spores at bay by spraying it with a bleach solutionbefore bringing it inside to decorate. No matter what you celebrate this year, keep it happy and keep it healthy!

Our New Year’s Resolution

As we look forward into the New Year, Rabbit Air invites you make a New Year’s Resolution that will benefit not only your community, but the whole world – lowering your carbon footprint to reduce air pollution. Cleaning up the air is important, and it will only happen if we all work together. Helping to reduce air pollution can be as simple as switching to reusable shopping bags at the market, to bigger pledges, such as taking public transportation instead of using your car one day a week. If we all make little changes in our lives to promote cleaner air, together we can make a big impact. Visit for more ideas on how you can help.

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