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April 2012 Newsletter

Rabbit Air in ELLE magazine!

Rabbit Air in ELLE magazine!
We know that the words "air purification" don't always conjure up the most fashionable images, but it's no secret that Rabbit Air has it all—top-notch air purifying talent and good looks to boot! Check out this feature in the March issue of ELLE magazine, in which our air purifiers are praised for their ability to reduce redness and swelling due to allergies and sinus irritations. Rabbit Air makes you feel and look as good as you should!

April’s Customer of the Month

Greetings Everyone!

Rabbit Air has created a Customer of the Month program where our Customer Care Team will nominate a few customers who have displayed extreme loyalty to our company. This month we have selected Claudio, of Los Angeles, CA. He is much appreciated by our Rabbit Air Team! Congratulations Claudio!


Rabbit Air is always interested in hearing your feedback. Please send any comments to Click here to join the Rabbit Air community on Facebook for the latest news and updates!
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MinusA2 Ultra Quiet Air Purifier

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BioGS 2.0 Ultra Quiet Air Purifier

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A3 Ultra Quiet Air Purifier

Starting $749.95

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