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November 2013 Newsletter

Happy holidays from all of us at Rabbit Air! We have been enjoying the clear air in Los Angeles lately and also the embarrassingly warm weather. We hope those of you in wintery climates are staying warm and dry. We’ve had a great year and are looking forward to 2014. May you all have a safe, joyous holiday season. Here are some tips for keeping healthy!

Avoiding the Christmas Sneeze

Believe it or not, that big beautiful Christmas tree in your living room might be the reason you’re sneezing. Connecticut researchers have found that the mold count from a live Christmas tree rose to five times the normal level two weeks after the tree was brought indoors. If you’re super sensitive to mold, you might want to consider keeping that tree on your porch, or at least keeping it indoors for as brief a period as possible!

Pine trees aren’t the only potential allergy triggers during the holidays. Read this article to learn more about ways to protect yourself, or watch this video featuring Dr. Clifford Bassett about ways to combat holiday sniffles.

Think Before you Burn

It’s hard not to gravitate towards a wood-burning stove in winter. The warmth and symbolic coziness of the hearth plays a role in tradition for a reason. Unfortunately, due to its pollutional effects, it’s not the best cold-house solution for everyone. 
Those with lung disease, including asthma, emphysema, angina, COPD, and CHF are often more sensitive to the toxic gases and particles released by such stoves and should avoid contact. 

Here are some suggestions for ways to keep a fire burning in your home all winter long while limiting exposure to wood-burning stove smoke.

  • Ensure that your stove is installed properly and maintained regularly.
  • Keep your flue open to allow plenty of oxygen in while using your stove.
  • Don't burn anything other than clean, dry wood that has been properly seasoned.
  • Avoid burning particle board, treated wood, stained wood, painted or wet wood.
  • Burn hot, bright fires. Avoid fires that smolder.
  • In milder weather, burn smaller fires.
  • Keep the doors of your wood stove closed at all times, unless you are loading it with wood.
  • Remove ashes from your stove on a regular basis.


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