The spring brings beautiful things – warmer weather, bright blue skies, and blooming flowers. Unfortunately, it is also the prime time of year for seasonal allergies, and the sneezing, itching, and congestion that accompanies them. Seasonal allergic rhinitis, more commonly known as Hay Fever, occurs throughout the year whenever grasses, trees, or weeds are in bloom, but are at their worst during the Spring and Summer. Unlike flowers, which usually produce heavier pollen to be carried by bees, these plants produce lighter pollens that spread by floating through the air. It is a great strategy for the plants but not as nice for us as these pollens can trigger allergic reactions when we breathe them in. As many as 40 million Americans suffer from seasonal allergies – that’s a lot of runny noses!
Luckily, there are several different strategies for coping with this kind of allergy. Many people take over the counter anti-histamines to relieve their symptoms, and there are even some prescription medications that can help if the allergy is severe. In addition to these medicines, allergists recommend changing clothes when you come home or even taking a shower in case pollens have snuck in on your clothing or skin. Once at home, you can use an air purifier with a HEPA filter, such as our MinusA2, to clean the air and keep pollen at bay. If you want to enjoy the beauty of the spring while staying smart about pollen, you may want to keep aware of daily pollen counts by using an app for your Smartphone or going to a website with an allergy specific weather forecast. Pollen counts tend to be highest in the morning, so you may find yourself breathing better if you save your springtime outings for the evening.